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محرك سيرفو SGMVV-3ZDDBLN الأصلي ذو السعة الكبيرة من Yaskawa


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGMVV-3ZDDBLN Servo Motor

The Yaskawa SGMVV-3ZDDBLN is not just any servo motor; it’s a testament to advanced engineering that merges reliability and performance. Designed specifically for high-demand applications, this large capacity servo motor embodies Yaskawa’s tradition of excellence in motion control technology.

الميزات الرئيسية
الناتج المقدر30 كيلو وات
الجهد االكهربىثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 400 فولت
مُشفِّر تسلسلي20 بت دلتا
السرعة المقدرة1500 دورة/دقيقة
الهيكل الرئيسينوع التركيب الداعم، عمود مستقيم (مع فتحة مفتاح وبرغي)
وضع الحمايةIP67 Fully Enclosed Design
الأداء والتوافق

This innovative servo motor features a small, low-inertia design that allows it to quickly adapt to varying demands while maintaining excellent mechanical properties. Whether you are using it in machining, transportation, or food processing machinery, the SGMVV-3ZDDBLN stands out with its ability to maintain stability despite load changes. Notably, it impressively minimizes vibrations, ensuring smooth operation even without extensive servo adjustments.

المواصفات الفنية
  • الوقت المقدر: مستمر
  • مستوى الاهتزاز: V15
  • مقاومة العزل: تيار مستمر 500 فولت، ≥10 متر
  • درجة حرارة التشغيل: 0 إلى 40 درجة مئوية
  • Humid Environment Compatibility: 20% to 80% non-condensing


The Yaskawa SGMVV-3ZDDBLN is a remarkable choice for industries that require high precision and robust performance. With a wide variety of compatible optional parts and enhancements, it can be tailored to meet specific operational requirements. Trust in Yaskawa’s legacy for providing top-tier motion control solutions and elevate your machinery’s efficiency with this expertly crafted servo motor.