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محرك سيرفو أحادي المحور أصلي من Yaskawa SGD7S-330A30A001


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGD7S-330A30A001 Servo Driver

The Yaskawa SGD7S-330A30A001 represents the pinnacle of servo drive technology, combining advanced features and robust performance in a compact design. Engineered for precision and optimal control, this single axis servo driver is your ideal partner for various industrial applications. Whether you’re seeking ultra-high speed capabilities or the utmost in precision control, the SGD7S model rises to the occasion with exceptional reliability and efficiency.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

سعة المحرك5.0 كيلو واط
الجهد االكهربى3 مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
سرعة استجابة التردد3.1 كيلو هرتز
نوع الواجهةMECHATROLINK-III (RJ-45 للصين)
تسلسل التصميمأ

الميزات الشاملة

قمع الاهتزاز

The Yaskawa SGD7S-330A30A001 is equipped with a sophisticated vibration suppression function, enhancing the system’s stability by reducing velocity fluctuations typically caused by cogging motors. This ensures smooth and precise operation, fulfilling the demands of high-performance applications.

التحكم متعدد الوظائف

Incorporating advanced control capabilities, this servo driver can seamlessly alternate between torque, position, and speed control, making it a versatile solution for various operational requirements. Its parameter settings allow for direct input, simplifying configuration and reducing installation complexities.

توافق محرك السيرفو

Optimized for use with the Yaskawa SGMGH and SGMPH series servo motors, the SGD7S-330A30A001 can handle power ratings from 0.75kW to 4.4kW with a maximum rated speed of 3000 r/min. This compatibility broadens your options for tailored motor selections to suit your specific application.

الصيانة والموثوقية

Designed with user-friendliness in mind, maintaining the Yaskawa SGD7S-330A30A001 is straightforward. With separate main circuit and control circuit arrangements, users can easily address alarms without disrupting the entire system, ensuring minimal downtime.

Your Partner for Precision

Embrace the future of automation with the Yaskawa SGD7S-330A30A001 servo driver. Its adherence to international standards guarantees reliable operation across global markets, allowing you to build efficient and high-performance systems. Innovate today and enhance your production capabilities with Yaskawa’s latest technology.