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SGDV-R70A01A محرك مؤازر Yaskawa الأصلي ذو الجهد التناظري والتسلسل النبضي SGDV-R70A01A


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV-R70A01A Servo Driver

The Yaskawa SGDV-R70A01A is a pinnacle of modern servo drive technology, offering unparalleled performance for a range of industrial applications. Designed to elevate your automation processes, this servo driver combines user-friendly features with advanced functionalities to enhance efficiency and precision. Whether you operate in a high-demand setting or a compact workspace, the SGDV-R70A01A is tailored to meet your needs with remarkable versatility.

نظرة عامة على المنتج والمواصفات الفنية
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك0.05 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةتيار متردد ثلاثي الطور 200 فولت
تسلسل التصميمنوع أ
نوع الواجهةالجهد التناظري، تسلسل النبضات
نوع التركيبتركيب القاعدة (قياسي)
Primary FeaturesNon-adjustable, enhanced vibration suppression, fast setting time
أداة هندسيةسيجماوين+
Exceptional Performance and Ease of Use

The SGDV-R70A01A is equipped with a cutting-edge automatic tuning function that dramatically reduces installation time while optimizing machine performance. With a response frequency exceeding 1 kHz, this servo drive facilitates seamless mechanical control through advanced model tracking capabilities. Its built-in vibration suppression technology ensures stability, effectively mitigating load fluctuations to maintain peak operational efficiency.

User-Centric Design Enhancements

One of the standout features of the SGDV-R70A01A is its innovative non-adjustable function, which allows operation straight out of the box—eliminating cumbersome adjustments typically associated with servo drives. This, combined with the intuitive SigmaWin+ engineering tool, empowers users to set up their systems visually and efficiently, rendering the setup process both quick and straightforward.

Expand Your Automation Horizons

Ideal for applications requiring both rotary and linear servo motors, the SGDV-R70A01A supports various configurations from compact to high-capacity systems. Achieve your automation goals effortlessly with this reliable servo driver, designed to empower you and your operations to achieve remarkable outcomes with speed and ease. Embrace a future where effective automation solutions are at your fingertips—transform your drive to perfection with the Yaskawa SGDV-R70A01A.