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SGDV-R90A90A21B21B002FT001 وحدة مؤازرة أصلية من Yaskawa أفضل استخدام SGDV-R90A90A21B002FT001


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV-R90A21B002FT001 Servo Unit

Unlock the future of motion control with the Yaskawa SGDV-R90A21B002FT001, an advanced and reliable servo unit designed for high-performance applications. This cutting-edge device is engineered for precision, efficiency, and versatility, ensuring it meets the rigorous demands of modern automation systems.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

The Yaskawa SGDV-R90A21B002FT001 stands out as a benchmark in servo technology, showcasing exceptional design and maintenance features. With a powerful capacity of 0.1 kW and a robust three-phase AC 200V power supply, this unit is the ideal solution for various applications. Its MECHATROLINK-III communication interface enhances connectivity for rotary servo motors, promoting seamless integration and operation.

المواصفات الرئيسية
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك0.1 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةتيار متردد ثلاثي الطور 200 فولت
وظيفة قمع الاهتزازتمت ترقيته
الناتج المقدر (المحرك)1.5 كيلو واط
السرعة المقدرة3000 دورة/دقيقة
تسلسل التصميمب
تصنيف IPIP55

ميزات ووظائف استثنائية

This servo unit boasts enhanced features that promote precision and control. The upgraded vibration suppression capability effectively minimizes oscillations, thereby significantly reducing positional settling time. Its advanced pressure feedback function, precision control over rotary tables, and compatibility with absolute value systems mean that the SGDV-R90A21B002FT001 excels in versatility, meeting diverse operational needs.

أداء لا مثيل له

With the industry’s leading amplifier response, the Yaskawa SGDV-R90A21B002FT001 is crafted to deliver optimal performance, maximizing your operation’s efficiency while minimizing response time. Its ability to communicate in real time at speeds of up to 10 Mbps allows for instantaneous data transfer, ensuring that control information is always at your fingertips, enabling a new standard for motion control.


Yaskawa has set the standard in servo technology with the SGDV-R90A21B002FT001. This reliable unit not only meets the demands of today’s automation challenges but also offers superior energy efficiency, ease of integration, and longevity. Elevate your operations with Yaskawa’s proven technology — the world leader in motion control.