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SGDV-R90A90A21B21B002FT006 وحدة مؤازرة أصلية من ياسكاوا الأفضل استخدامًا SGDV-R90A90A21B21B002FT006


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Yaskawa SGDV-R90A21B002FT006 Servo Unit: Elevate Your Performance

The Yaskawa SGDV-R90A21B002FT006 servo unit epitomizes cutting-edge technology in precision motion control. Designed for a multitude of applications, this powerhouse integrates seamlessly into your system, offering unrivaled performance and reliability. Whether in semiconductor manufacturing, robotics, or food processing machinery, this unit is poised to exceed expectations. Our commitment to innovation ensures that the SGDV-R90A21B002FT006 not only meets industry standards but sets a benchmark for excellence.

نظرة عامة على المنتج
سعة المحرك0.1 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
الواجهةMECHATROLINK-III for rotary servo motors
تسلسل التصميمب
وظيفةوظيفة إخراج النقطة الثابتة
نوع المشفرالقيمة المطلقة 17 بت
السرعة المقدرة1000 دورة/دقيقة
وضع الحمايةنوع التبريد الذاتي التبريد المغلق بالكامل IP65
ميزات متطورة

What truly sets the SGDV-R90A21B002FT006 apart from the competition is its versatility and array of models tailored to meet unique operational needs. Models like FT001 enhance vibration suppression, while the FT006 allows for fixed point output without external controllers. This flexibility is vital for optimizing processes across various industries, from handling machinery to high-precision applications.

Designed with the latest technology, the SGDV-R90A21B002FT006 ensures exceptional performance, boasting an instantaneous maximum torque rating of 300% and rapid speeds of up to 6000 r/min. Its advanced serial encoder reduces wiring complexity by half, facilitating streamlined installations and reduced downtime. Moreover, the complete separation of the main circuit from the control circuit simplifies maintenance, allowing for quick and efficient service when needed. With a robust build quality and rigorous testing, it stands ready to face demanding environments with ease.


This servo unit is widely adopted in various sectors including semiconductor manufacturing equipment, placement machines, and robotic systems, paving the way for high-precision automation. The SGDV-R90A21B002FT006 isn’t just a component; it’s an essential element of your operational strategy, ensuring smooth and accurate motion control every time.