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SGDV3R5R5DE1A00000000501 برنامج تشغيل مؤازر من نوع وظيفة الاتصال DeviceNet للمعدات الأصلية من Yaskawa SGDV3R5DE1A00000000501


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يرجى تمكين JavaScript في متصفحك لإكمال هذا النموذج.

Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV3R5DE1A000000501 Servo Driver

Elevate your automation systems with the Yaskawa SGDV3R5DE1A000000501, a state-of-the-art servo driver that embodies reliability and innovation. Designed to seamlessly integrate with various industrial applications, this equipment leverages DeviceNet communication to provide superior control over servo motors, making it the ideal choice for optimizing productivity in high-demand environments. Whether in semiconductor manufacturing or food processing machinery, this servo driver stands as a testament to Yaskawa’s commitment to excellence.

معلومات المنتج والمعايير الفنية
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك1.0 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 400 فولت
الواجهةمحرك سيرفو من النوع الدوار
الأجهزة المطابقةنوع التركيب الأساسي (قياسي)
وحدات اختياريةوحدة DeviceNet + وحدة الحلقة المغلقة الكاملة
السرعة القصوى6000 دورة/دقيقة
وضع الحمايةمغلق بالكامل، تبريد ذاتي من النوع IP65
التواصل والمراقبة

The SGDV3R5DE1A000000501 supports DeviceNet communications based on open field network protocols, allowing for streamlined motion control applications. This integration enables users to efficiently monitor servo drive operations via a central controller, facilitating quick diagnostics of running status and alarm conditions. The combination of robust software support and a user-friendly interface simplifies maintenance, reducing downtime and overall operational costs.

وظائف غنية

This servo driver is equipped with advanced positioning capabilities, including simple positioning, continuous rotation, and origin return. Such features make it versatile for various applications, ensuring that your operational needs are met with precision and reliability. The built-in management of servo information enhances maintenance practices and allows for significant time savings during the debugging phase.

التطبيقات والموثوقية

Ideal for a wide range of applications, the SGDV3R5DE1A000000501 excels in environments like semiconductor manufacturing, PCB printing, robotics, and handling systems. With a focus on durability and performance, this servo driver meets the demanding requirements of modern automation technology, ensuring increased output and operational efficiency.