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SGDV3R8R8AE5AE5A00000000101 محرك سيرفو وظيفي SGDV3R8A8A5AE5A000000101 من معدات ياسكاوا الأصلية


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV3R8AE5A000000101: The Pinnacle of Servo Technology

Meet the Yaskawa SGDV3R8AE5A000000101, a distinguished player in the realm of servo drivers. This top-of-the-line equipment is engineered with precision to cater to diverse industrial applications. With exceptional features and a user-friendly design, the SGDV3R8AE5A000000101 empowers engineers to achieve remarkable motion control while embracing simplicity and speed.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

اسممعدات INDEXER محرك سيرفو وظيفي
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك0.5 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
نقاط قابلة للبرمجة256 نقطة
نقاط الإدخال/الإخراج19 مدخلات و16 مخرجات
Simple Yet Powerful Functionality

This servo driver incorporates an INDEXER functional type unit, allowing for straightforward programming and serial communication. The system’s compatibility with the SigmaWin+ Windows support tool shows Yaskawa’s commitment to user convenience, enabling effortless initial setup. The robust I/O modules ensure seamless integration with upper-level controllers, enhancing operational flexibility.

إمكانيات تحديد المواقع الذكية

Designed with advanced positioning functionalities, the SGDV3R8AE5A000000101 offers programmable speed and motion control, paramount for robotics and industrial automation. With support for up to 256 programmable positioning points, engineers can achieve unprecedented accuracy and versatility in their applications, complemented by rich features like JOG speed tables and external positioning configurations.

سرعة ودقة استثنائية

Teaming up with the renowned Sigma -V series servo motors, this driver excels in high-speed and high-precision positioning tasks. The unit’s performance is truly remarkable with instantaneous torque capabilities reaching 300%, enabling it to handle rapid operations effortlessly. With speeds of up to 6000 r/min and paired with high-resolution encoders, the SGDV3R8AE5A000000101 ensures optimal performance without requiring additional motion controllers.

ملخص المواصفات

الناتج المقدر0.6 كيلو واط (600 واط)
السرعة القصوى6000 دورة/دقيقة
مقاومة العزلتيار مستمر 500 فولت، 10 متر أو أعلى
درجة حرارة التشغيل0 – 40 درجة مئوية
وضع الحمايةIP65 (مغلق بالكامل)
الرطوبة البيئية20 – 80% (غير مكثف)
تطبيقات متعددة الاستخدامات

The versatility of the Yaskawa SGDV3R8AE5A000000101 makes it ideal for various sectors, including semiconductor manufacturing, robotics, food processing, and more. Its capabilities provide a perfect match for handling machinery and placement tasks, thus driving innovation across industries.