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SGDV3R8R8AE5AE5A002000101 محرك سيرفو وظيفي SGDV3R8A8A5A002000101 من معدات ياسكاوا الأصلية


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Yaskawa SGDV3R8AE5A002000101: Precision Meets Technology

Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV3R8AE5A002000101, a premier Equipment INDEXER functional servo driver designed to elevate operational efficiency and precision in industrial applications. With robust features tailored for both novice programmers and seasoned technicians, this servo driver combines high-performance capabilities with user-friendly operation. Whether you are in the semiconductor industry or require motion control in machine tools, the SGDV3R8AE5A002000101 is engineered to meet your needs.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

اسممعدات محرك السيرفو الوظيفي INDEXER
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك0.5 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
نقاط قابلة للبرمجةحتى 256
نقاط الإدخال/الإخراجالإدخال: 19، الإخراج: 16

الميزات الرئيسية

التنفيذ البسيط

With an intuitive programming interface and robust support through the SigmaWin+ Windows environment tool, users can quickly set up motion control without complicated configurations. The SGDV3R8AE5A002000101 allows for effortless integration with upper controllers through its user-friendly I/O module.

الأداء الذكي

Engineered for versatility, this servo driver excels in positioning operations, accommodating up to 256 programmable points. Users benefit from advanced features such as JOG speed table operations and programmable signal outputs, ensuring a dynamic motion control experience.

السرعة والدقة

Delivering high-speed and high-precision positioning, the SGDV3R8AE5A002000101 operates seamlessly with the high-performance V series, eliminating the need for an external motion controller while maintaining optimum control.

وظائف متقدمة

The Yaskawa SGDV3R8AE5A002000101 is equipped with an optional INDEXER full closed-loop module for even greater functionality. Its advanced features, including vibration suppression enhancements and pressure feedback options, facilitate high-performance applications across various industrial settings.


The Yaskawa SGDV3R8AE5A002000101 stands at the forefront of servo motor technology, reflecting Yaskawa’s commitment to quality and innovation. Originally developed in Japan, this servo driver is now widely used in applications including semiconductor manufacturing and electronic component packaging. Discover the future of motion control with Yaskawa’s advanced engineering solutions.