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SGDVV5R4R4D01A020000010 وحدة مؤازرة وحدة SGDV5R4D01A020000010 الأصلية من ياسكاوا


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Yaskawa SGDV5R4D01A020000010: The Future of Secure Servo Solutions

Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV5R4D01A020000010, where technology meets reliability in the realm of servo motor systems. This secure module servo unit epitomizes the advanced engineering critical for today’s demanding applications. Designed for precision and safety, this unit is essential for various industrial settings, from machine tools to food processing machinery.

نظرة عامة على المنتج
يكتبوحدة سيرفو الوحدة الآمنة
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك1.5 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقة3 مراحل تيار متردد 400 فولت
الواجهةالجهد التناظري، تسلسل النبضات
تسلسل التصميمأ
ميزات الأمانSTO، SS1، SS2، SLS
المواصفات الفنية

This cutting-edge module provides a maximum applicable motor capacity of 1.5 kW and operates at a power supply voltage of three-phase AC 400V. The SGDV5R4D01A020000010 integrates key safety features in line with international standards such as IEC61800-5-2, ensuring robust operational security. Key characteristics include:

  • High-performance dynamics with a design sequence of A
  • Dynamic Brake (DB) capability
  • Vibration suppression function for enhanced stability
  • Friction compensation for consistent performance
  • Feature tracking control to optimize mechanical properties

This unit’s ability to simplify and miniaturize system designs makes it an essential choice for engineers. With the flexibility of setting and configuring security functions, along with adjustable monitoring times, it tailors to unique applications seamlessly. The Yaskawa SGDV5R4D01A020000010 is not just another component; it is the key to advancing operational excellence while ensuring safety at every turn.

Embrace the future of servo technology with the Yaskawa SGDV5R4D01A020000010—a combination of precise engineering, formidable safety features, and adaptable performance that propels your applications to new heights.