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SGDV5R4R4D11D11A00002000001 نظام مؤازر كامل الحلقة المغلقة من ياسكاوا SGDV5R4D11A002000001 الأصلي


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV5R4D11A002000001 Servo Solution

The Yaskawa SGDV5R4D11A002000001 is a highly advanced full closed-loop servo system designed to meet the demanding needs of modern automation. With precision at its core, this system offers robust performance and exceptional reliability, ensuring peak operation for a variety of applications. Ideal for industries requiring high-speed and high-accuracy motion control, the SGDV5R4D11A002000001 will elevate your machinery to the next level.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

اسمنظام سيرفو حلقة مغلقة بالكامل
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك1.5 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 400 فولت
الواجهةMECHATROLINK-II Communication (محرك سيرفو دوار)
تسلسل التصميمأ
برامج المطابقةمعيار
وحدات اختياريةوحدة الحلقة المغلقة الكاملة
الميزات المتقدمة

Engineered for precision, the SGDV5R4D11A002000001 utilizes a position feedback system that incorporates an external encoder, allowing for superior accuracy and rapid response times. This sophisticated module is designed to seamlessly manage rotary servo motors while maintaining critical control over motion execution.

التواصل والتكامل

With a built-in DeviceNet communication feature, this servo unit provides simple integration into existing systems. The synergy between the DeviceNet controller and this advanced servo drive facilitates effortless motion control while enhancing connectivity across your operational framework. This functionality streamlines maintenance, significantly reducing downtime, and improving efficiency.

التطبيقات العملية

The versatility of the Yaskawa SGDV5R4D11A002000001 allows it to handle varied applications. Whether executing simple positioning moves or complex rotational tasks, this system includes built-in functions that include continuous rotation and return-to-origin capabilities. The rich feature set promises to meet the diverse demands of today’s industrial landscape.

Powerful Servo Motor Options

The product also supports a range of servo motor types including SGMPH and SGMGH, providing solutions for varying power requirements, speeds, and design specifications. From waterproof standards to high-speed performance, the SGDV5R4D11A002000001 ensures a comprehensive solution for all your servo needs.

Optimize your operational capabilities with the Yaskawa SGDV5R4D11A002000001 and experience unmatched precision, reliability, and functionality.