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SGDVV5R5R5A01A01A000000000010 وحدة مؤازرة وحدة SGDV5R5A5A01A000000010 الأصلية من ياسكاوا


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV5R5A01A000000010 Secure Module Servo Unit

Discover the advanced capabilities of the Yaskawa SGDV5R5A01A000000010, a secure module servo unit engineered to enhance the safety and efficiency of your mechanical systems. This cutting-edge product melds high performance with robust safety features, making it an essential component in modern automation solutions. Designed to integrate seamlessly into various applications, this servo unit exemplifies precision engineering and reliability.

معلومات المنتج والمعايير الفنية

سعة المحرك0.75 kW (up to 3.0 kW variant)
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
الواجهةالجهد التناظري، نوع تسلسل النبضة
تسلسل التصميمأ (قياسي)
ميزات الأمانأمان عزم الدوران (STO)، أمان التوقف 1 (SS1)، أمان التوقف 2 (SS2)، أمان السرعة المحدودة (SLS)
معايير الامتثالIEC61800-5-2، ISO13849-1 EN
ميزات السلامة المحسنة

The SGDV5R5A01A000000010 is designed with an emphasis on safety, integrating security functions that comply with international standards. Features such as Torque Off Safe (STO) and multiple stop safety options provide unparalleled operational safety, making it an ideal choice for environments where precision and security are paramount. Users can easily configure these functions to match their operational needs.

إمكانيات الأداء المتقدمة

Equipped with state-of-the-art Sigma -V-EX series technology, this servo unit does not just meet the typical usage demands; it exceeds them. The unit supports a communication command type for rotary servo motors, facilitating rapid data processing and exceptional command tracking performance. This results in improved accuracy and reliability in various industrial contexts, including machine tools and handling machinery.

Comprehensive Application Spectrum

With its versatile design, the SGDV5R5A01A000000010 is ideally suited for diverse applications, ranging from food processing to transport machinery. Its high-resolution 20-bit Delta serial encoder guarantees precision operations, maximizing throughput while maintaining high safety standards thanks to its fully enclosed self-cooling, IP67-rated housing.

Summary of Performance Specifications

With respect to installation and environmental criteria, the Yaskawa SGDV5R5A01A000000010 operates efficiently within a broad range of conditions, ensuring reliability in demanding environments. Explore the technical specifications below:

الناتج المقدر300W (0.3 kW) or more
درجة حرارة التشغيل0 ~ 40 درجة مئوية
مقاومة العزلتيار مستمر 500 فولت، 10 متر أو أعلى
مدى الرطوبة20 ~ 80% (بدون تكاثف)

In summary, the Yaskawa SGDV5R5A01A000000010 Secure Module Servo Unit is not just a reliable industrial component; it is a foundational piece of technology that enables safer and more efficient automation processes. Embrace the future of servo technology with Yaskawa.