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SGDVV5R5R5AE1AE1A00000000501 برنامج تشغيل مؤازر من نوع وظيفة الاتصال DeviceNet للمعدات الأصلية من Yaskawa SGDV5R5A5AE1A00000000501


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يرجى تمكين JavaScript في متصفحك لإكمال هذا النموذج.

Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE1A000000501: Revolutionizing Motion Control

Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE1A000000501, a sophisticated servo driver that enhances your operational efficiency and precision in industrial settings. Equipped with advanced DeviceNet communication capabilities, this servo driver unites powerful performance with intuitive networking, ideal for both compact and expansive applications.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

The Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE1A000000501 is a DeviceNet communication function type servo driver, specifically designed to support servo-controlled power supply drives. It stands out with its impressive specifications:

الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك0.75 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
نوع الواجهةمحرك سيرفو من النوع الدوار

تحسين الاتصالات والتحكم

This servo driver features a seamless integration with DeviceNet, streamlining motion control applications. The combination of the DeviceNet controller and the SGDV will allow for simplified motion control processes, leveraging extensive DeviceNet support software for enhanced management of servo information. Real-time monitoring of servo status and alarms can be easily conducted via the upper controller, promoting efficient debugging and maintenance operations.

قدرات تحديد المواقع المبتكرة

Equipped with built-in positioning functions, the SGDV5R5AE1A000000501 allows for a variety of actions from the upper controller. Users can execute continuous rotation, simple positioning, and return-to-origin motions effortlessly, thereby enhancing productivity and operational flexibility.

Leading-Edge Motor Specifications

The system is complemented by the exceptional low inertia, high-speed SGM7A servo motor. Key specifications include:

السرعة المقدرة3000 دورة في الدقيقة
الناتج المقدر5.0 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةتيار متردد 200 فولت
نوع المشفرالقيمة المطلقة 24 بت
الدقة والأداء

With a maximum torque capacity of up to 350%, the Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE1A000000501 is engineered to deliver exceptional performance in ultra-high-speed and high-precision applications. This innovative design addresses common operational issues, allowing for stable performance even under varying loads and inertia scenarios.


In conclusion, the Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE1A000000501 servo driver not only fulfills the demand for power and speed but also embodies a forward-thinking approach to servo technology. Elevate your control systems today with this robust and reliable servo solution.