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SGDVV5R5R5AE5AE5A00000000101 محرك سيرفو وظيفي SGDV5R5A5AE5A000000101 من معدات ياسكاوا الأصلية


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE5A000000101

The Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE5A000000101 is a cutting-edge Equipment INDEXER functional servo driver, meticulously designed to optimize motion control applications. With its robust capabilities and thoughtful engineering, this servo driver is tailored to meet the demands of high-performance environments. Whether for industrial automation or intricate robotics, the SGDV5R5AE5A000000101 brings speed, precision, and intelligence to your operations.

مواصفات المنتج
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك0.75 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
الأجهزة المطابقةنوع التركيب القياسي للقاعدة القياسية
نقاط الإدخال/الإخراج19 مدخلات و16 مخرجات
الميزات الرئيسية

Simple Control: Featuring an advanced INDEXER functional type servo unit, the SGDV5R5AE5A000000101 offers a user-friendly interface and can be programmed effortlessly through serial programming or the SigmaWin+ Windows support tool.

التموضع الذكي: Achieve precise positioning operations with a maximum of 256 programmable points, accommodating external positioning and JOG speed table operations. With programmable signal output and other rich features, you’ll experience seamless motion control.

السرعة والدقة: The SGDV5R5AE5A000000101, when paired with Yaskawa’s high-performance V series, allows for speedy and precise motion control without reliance on an external motion controller. The system’s real-time communication capabilities ensure responsiveness and reliability across multiple connected stations.

التميز في الأداء

The SGDV5R5AE5A000000101 stands out for its high-performance capabilities, accommodating a range of servo motors with precise synchronization control. It also offers automatic identification of motor specifications, simplifying the setup process for users. With a focus on efficiency and user convenience, this servo driver is your go-to solution for modern automation challenges.