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SGDVV5R5R5AE5AE5A00000000500 برنامج تشغيل مؤازر من نوع وظيفة الاتصال DeviceNet الأصلي من معدات ياسكاوا SGDV5R5A5AE5A00000000500


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يرجى تمكين JavaScript في متصفحك لإكمال هذا النموذج.

Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE5A000000500 Servo Driver

Discover the cutting-edge Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE5A000000500, a state-of-the-art servo driver tailored for sophisticated motion control applications. Designed with an emphasis on efficiency, reliability, and flexibility, this servo driver integrates advanced communication capabilities via DeviceNet, enabling seamless interaction with upper-level controllers such as PLCs and computers. Elevate your operational awareness with enhanced monitoring and diagnostics, paving the way for streamlined maintenance and reduced downtime.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

سعة المحركUp to 7.5kW
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
الواجهةInstruction selection and installation (Rotary Type Servo Motor)
وحدات اختياريةDeviceNet module, INDEXER module
نقاط قابلة للبرمجةحتى 256
نقاط الإدخال/الإخراج19 مدخلات و16 مخرجات

قدرات الاتصال المتقدمة

The Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE5A000000500 is equipped with robust DeviceNet communication functionality, designed to foster uncomplicated motion control through its open field network standards. This feature is instrumental in enhancing the viability of motion control systems, allowing effortless integration with existing infrastructure and maximizing the benefits of the city’s plethora of DeviceNet support software. Experience unparalleled ease of use as the servo information is simply managed from your upper controller, ensuring immediate access to vital status updates and alarm notifications.

كفاءة الصيانة

Leveraging the communication network between the upper controller and the servo unit significantly reduces wiring complexities, thereby lowering costs while also enhancing system reliability. By streamlining connectivity and enabling centralized management, maintenance operations become quicker and more efficient, drastically reducing debugging time.

وظائف تحديد المواقع الغنية

With its comprehensive array of built-in positioning features, the Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE5A000000500 serves as a powerhouse for diverse applications. The driver supports simple positioning, continuous rotation, and origin return functionalities, all controlled effortlessly from your preferred upper controller. Whether you require basic positioning or advanced rotary motion control, this servo driver provides a versatile solution tailored to your operational needs.

Smart Programming and Operation

Designed for intuitive programming, the SGDV5R5AE5A000000500 comes equipped with advanced features such as programmable speed tables and external positioning capabilities. Coupled with the ease of installation via Windows-supported tools like SigmaWin+, this servo driver stands out in both functionality and user-friendliness.

In summary, the Yaskawa SGDV5R5AE5A000000500 is your perfect partner for streamlined motion control, combining high-speed capabilities with high precision to meet the demands of modern industrial applications. Experience technological excellence and operational enhancements today.