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SGDV780A780A11A11A001000010 وحدة مؤازرة وحدة SGDV780A11A11A001000010 الأصلية من ياسكاوا


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV780A11A001000010 Secure Module Servo Unit

Discover the exceptional capabilities of the Yaskawa SGDV780A11A001000010, a carefully designed servo unit that prioritizes safety without sacrificing performance. Engineered for a range of applications, from semiconductor equipment to automated machinery, this robust unit stands out for its advanced safety features and operational efficiency. The combination of precision and reliability makes it an ideal choice for engineers and technicians seeking top-tier technology in motion control.

مواصفات المنتج وميزاته

الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك:15 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقة:ثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
تسلسل التصميم:أ
الواجهة:نوع أمر الاتصال MECHATROLINK-II
أمان عزم الدوران (STO):نعم
Stop Safe 1 (SS1):نعم
Stop Safe 2 (SS2):نعم
Limited Speed Safely (SLS):نعم
ميزات السلامة المحسنة

Designed with the highest safety standards in mind, the Yaskawa SGDV780A11A001000010 meets both the European EC standards and international specifications (IEC61800-5-2). The interaction between the servo unit and its security module allows for an innovative approach to mechanical system safety, yielding multiple functions to ensure precise operational controls.

أداء متفوق

This secure module servo unit seamlessly operates under an array of conditions, facilitating a torque range from 6 to 600 N/m and speeds reaching up to 500 r/min. A high-resolution 20-bit encoder ensures the utmost accuracy, making it particularly suited for tasks in the manufacturing of liquid crystal circuit boards, electronics packaging, and inspection systems.

تطبيقات متعددة الاستخدامات

The Yaskawa SGDV780A11A001000010 is tailored for an extensive range of uses. Its fundamental construction not only simplifies wiring with a hollow structure but also promotes streamlined setups in various applications, including:

  • معدات تصنيع أشباه الموصلات
  • آلات تغليف الأجزاء الإلكترونية
  • الآلات الآلية
  • الروبوتات

The Yaskawa SGDV780A11A001000010 Secure Module Servo Unit represents a blend of engineering excellence, safety, and adaptability. With a commitment to quality and performance, this servo unit not only meets but exceeds the expectations of modern automation and control systems.