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SGDV780A780A25A25A001000010 وحدة مؤازرة وحدة SGDV780A25A25A001000010 الأصلية من ياسكاوا


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV780A25A001000010: Premier Security Module Servo Unit

Meet the Yaskawa SGDV780A25A001000010, a cutting-edge servo unit engineered with advanced safety protocols and precision mechanics. This innovative device is designed to enhance operational efficiency while ensuring compliance with stringent European EC standards. Whether you’re integrating it into a sophisticated machinery framework or leveraging its capabilities for high-performance applications, the SGDV780A25A001000010 excels in delivering exceptional results.

نظرة عامة على المنتج

الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك15 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةتيار متردد ثلاثي الطور 200 فولت
تسلسل التصميمأ
ميزات السلامةSTO، SS1، SS2، SLS
معايير الامتثالIEC 61800-5-2، ISO13849-1 EN

الميزات الرئيسية

At the heart of the SGDV780A25A001000010 is an intuitive safety module that seamlessly integrates with your mechanical systems. With a maximum motor capacity of 15 kW and a three-phase AC200V power supply, its robust design ensures optimal performance.

Advanced Safety Protocols

The unit incorporates fault-tolerance mechanisms including Torque Off Safe (STO), Stop Safe 1 (SS1), Stop Safe 2 (SS2), and Limited Speed Safely (SLS), ensuring your operations run smoothly and securely. This certification brings peace of mind and facilitates compliance with modern industrial safety standards.

Efficiency Through Design

The SGDV encourages a compact and simplified system architecture, achieving remarkable efficiency metrics. A complete separation of main and control circuits ensures that alarms can be managed easily without disrupting power supply, streamlining maintenance tasks.

Furthermore, with the ability to directly enter parameters on the servo drive, your setup time and maintenance can be significantly reduced. The innovative serial encoder reduces wiring complexity by half, contributing to a more organized and efficient installation.


In conclusion, the Yaskawa SGDV780A25A001000010 stands as a transformative solution in the world of automation. Its high-performance capabilities, combined with a focus on user safety and ease of maintenance, make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their operational efficiency while ensuring uncompromised safety standards.