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SGDV780A780AE5A003000101 محرك سيرفو وظيفي SGDV780A5A5A003000101 من معدات ياسكاوا الأصلية


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Yaskawa SGDV780AE5A003000101: The Pinnacle of Motion Control

Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV780AE5A003000101, a remarkable advancement in servo drive technology designed to elevate your automation capabilities. Integrating robust engineering with user-friendly features, this Equipment INDEXER functional servo driver promises to support your motion control applications with unmatched performance and reliability. Experience the perfect blend of simplicity, intelligence, and speed in this versatile solution that caters to various industrial needs.

نظرة عامة على المنتج
سعة المحركMax 15kW
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
نقاط الإدخال/الإخراج19 مدخلات و16 مخرجات
سرعة3000 دورة/دقيقة
طلبPositioning Control
الميزات الرئيسية

عملية بسيطة: Programming and serial communications enable seamless implementation of motion control, allowing for easy setup through the SigmaWin+ Windows environment support tool.

الأداء الذكي: The Yaskawa SGDV780AE5A003000101 excels in positioning tasks, featuring up to 256 programmable points and advanced functionalities like external positioning and JOG speed operation, ensuring versatility and precision.

السرعة والدقة: Designed for high-speed, high-precision applications, this servo driver works tirelessly alongside the advanced V series. The motion control features operate independently, optimizing performance and reducing the need for additional controllers.


This remarkable servo driver allows for a smooth operational experience with minimal speed fluctuation, ensuring a highly responsive and stable performance. With compliance to international standards, global users can deploy the Yaskawa SGDV780AE5A003000101 confidently, enhancing their product range effectively.

Fashioned with an emphasis on flexibility, the SGDV780AE5A003000101 supports diverse motor configurations, including integrated brakes and speed reducers, ensuring it meets various operational requirements. The advanced DeviceNet communication capabilities further simplify the control process, enabling efficient monitoring and maintenance through streamlined annotations of servo status.


The Yaskawa SGDV780AE5A003000101 stands as a testament to innovation in servo drive technology, combining essential features with exceptional user experience. Upgrade your systems today and explore the endless possibilities this powerful servo driver offers for your motion control applications.