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SGDV7R7R6A6A01A0000000000001 نظام مؤازر كامل الحلقة المغلقة من ياسكاوا SGDV7R6A6A01A000000001


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV7R6A01A000000001 Full Closed Loop Servo System

In the dynamic world of automation and precision engineering, the Yaskawa SGDV7R6A01A000000001 emerges as a cornerstone for your servo control needs. This expertly crafted full closed loop servo system is designed to offer both reliability and precision, crucial for applications requiring exact position control. As industries continue to evolve, so does the technology, making the Yaskawa SGDV7R6A01A000000001 the perfect companion for modern machinery.

معلومات المنتج والمعايير الفنية
اسمنظام سيرفو حلقة مغلقة بالكامل
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك1.0 kW (up to 5.0 kW)
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
الواجهةالجهد التناظري، تسلسل النبضات (محرك سيرفو دوار)
تسلسل التصميمأ
مواصفات الأجهزةنوع التركيب الأساسي (قياسي)
وحدات اختياريةوحدة الحلقة المغلقة الكاملة
ميزات الأداء

The SGDV7R6A01A000000001 excels in controlling rotating servo motors, harnessing the power of external encoders to ensure high precision and responsiveness. The advanced feedback control utilizing linear grating rulers showcases the innovative interface of this system. Its high-performance capabilities can further be enhanced with the Sigma-V-FT series servo units, allowing for specific optimizations in various applications such as vibration suppression and high-precision pressure control.

وظائف محسّنة

This servo system seamlessly integrates features that cater to specialized needs:

  • FT001: إزالة الاهتزازات لتقليل وقت التموضع.
  • FT003: التحكم الدقيق في الضغط لتحسين أداء الجهاز.
  • FT005: Rotary table control for smooth, precise rotations.
  • FT006: Simple fixed-point outputs for ease of setup.
  • FT008: دعم أنظمة القيمة المطلقة مع أي وحدة تحكم علوية.
تكامل ذكي وبسيط

With a maximum of 256 programmable positioning points and a comprehensive I/O configuration (19 inputs and 16 outputs), the SGDV7R6A01A000000001 allows for agile motion control. Easy programmability through Windows-based support tools, like SigmaWin+, simplifies installation and operation. Experience high-speed and high-precision positioning without needing elaborate motion controllers, making this system not just smart but also user-friendly.