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SGDV7R7R6A6A01A00200000010 وحدة مؤازرة وحدة SGDV7R6A6A01A002000010 الأصلية من ياسكاوا


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGDV7R6A01A002000010: A Pinnacle of Safety and Reliability

In today’s fast-paced industrial landscape, ensuring safety while achieving precision in operation is vital. The Yaskawa SGDV7R6A01A002000010 Secure Module Servo Unit embodies this ethos, expertly designed to elevate your mechanical systems’ operational safety and efficiency. As part of Yaskawa’s esteemed line of servo solutions, this model integrates innovative technologies and international safety standards to deliver unparalleled performance.

نظرة عامة على المنتج
الحد الأقصى لسعة المحرك1.0 كيلو واط
جهد مصدر الطاقةثلاث مراحل تيار متردد 200 فولت
الواجهةالجهد التناظري، نوع تسلسل النبضة
تسلسل التصميمأ
مواصفات الأجهزةطلاء
وحدة اختياريةوحدة الأمن
معايير السلامةIEC 61800-5-2، ISO13849-1 EN
ميزات السلامة المتقدمة

The SGDV7R6A01A002000010 model excels in safety with multiple functions adhering to the highest international standards, executing critical safety features such as:

  • أمان عزم الدوران (STO)
  • توقف آمن 1 (SS1)
  • توقف آمن 2 (SS2)
  • السرعة المحدودة بأمان (SLS)

With two configurable security functions, you can tailor system responses to suit your specific operational demands. The device further allows adjustments in monitoring times and other parameters ensuring a customized safety protocol that meets diverse requirements.

تحسين الاستقرار والأداء

The Yaskawa SGDV7R6A01A002000010 is designed to pair seamlessly with Yaskawa’s advanced servo drives, promoting a consolidated and compact system configuration. It supports stable operation even under fluctuating loads without the need for extensive servo adjustments. Whether utilizing the large-capacity SGMVV type servo motors rated up to 30KW or opting for efficiency with smaller, low inertia motors, this module’s robust architecture guarantees reliable performance across varied applications.

Experience the peace of mind that comes with integrating cutting-edge safety technologies into your operational framework. The Yaskawa SGDV7R6A01A002000010 Secure Module Servo Unit empowers you to achieve both efficiency and safety, representing a wise investment in your industrial endeavors.