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SGMSH-30A2A6C Original Yaskawa Super-Hochleistungsmotor SGMSH-30A2A6C


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Introducing the Yaskawa SGMSH-30A2A6C Servo Motor

The Yaskawa SGMSH-30A2A6C is a premier member of the Super High Power Motor series, designed specifically to meet the demands of modern industrial applications. Crafted with cutting-edge technology and precision engineering, this servo motor ensures unparalleled performance and reliability, making it a prime choice for various machinery such as machine tools, transport systems, and food processing equipment.

Produktinformationen und technische Daten

Nenndrehzahl3000 U/min
Leistung3,0 kW
VersorgungsspannungDreiphasiger Wechselstrom 200 V
Encodertyp17 Bit Absolutwert
Optionale TeileDC 24V Bremse

Leistung und Funktionen

The SGMSH-30A2A6C is an ultra-high power response servo motor that meets the needs for small inertia and high torque. Features include online automatic adjustments and automatic measurement of mechanical properties, ensuring optimal servo gain settings even during initial contact. This motor offers quick adaptations, completing essential configurations in remarkably short timeframes. It also features an automatic identification system for seamless integration with servo drives, making it user-friendly and efficient.

Qualität und Haltbarkeit

Engineered with stringent quality standards, the Yaskawa SGMSH-30A2A6C boasts an IP67 protection rating, allowing it to operate under demanding conditions ranging from 0 to 40 degrees Celsius with humidity levels between 20% and 80%. Its fully enclosed self-cooling frame ensures long-lasting durability, while the permanent magnet excitation mode and high insulation resistance provide enhanced protection against operational risks.

Vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten

This versatile servo motor is well-suited for a variety of high-speed feed applications, making it essential for industries requiring precision and control. With options such as single-phase and three-phase configurations, the SGMSH-30A2A6C is compliant with international standards, promising reliability and performance in any global market.